
UAM emerged Champions of the Maiden edition of the Tertiary Institution's Public Speech Contest 2016

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Michael Blaise Ngutor 
God's faithfulness endured today as I locked horns yet again with the representative of the Benue State University in the finals of the Samuel Ortom Public Speech Contest which took place at the College of Health Sciences Auditorium, Benue State University Makurdi.
The Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi emerged Champions of the Maiden edition of the Tertiary Institution's Public Speech Contest 2016 and wrote their names in gold to be remembered forever by all within and outside Benue when the history of BENSAFE is mentioned.
I wish to recognize the Unique support which Great Makurdians have shown both me and the team as we steadily progressed through the competition. I cannot thank you enough.
I wish to formally dedicate today's Victory in a special way to God Almighty,

 My family and GREAT MAKURDIANS even as I look forward to our University developing into what it can and should be in areas of intellectual endeavour.
God Bless Us All!!!